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Celebrating the body that carries me

My mother often used to say to my grandmother: put on your new blouse, it is just as quick to iron as the old one! I think about that when I’m getting dressed in the morning. Because I have an important choice to make: neglecting my appearance or celebrating the body that carries me around.

When I take real care over my appearance, I leave the house with a spring in my step, because I feel beautiful. The outside rubs off on the inside.

It’s like a smile. Not in a good mood? – Smile! And the inside will follow, it’s scientifically proven.

It was Oscar Wilde who said that you can never be overdressed or overeducated.

With this in mind, I invite you to celebrate the body that carries you around every day by putting on your loveliest clothes, jewellery or make-up.

So, what clothes will you get out tomorrow? How will you celebrate your body?

A sense of humour

In a study conducted by two business school academics from Stanford University, it was revealed that a person’s sense of humour starts to evaporate when they enter the workforce and only bounces back when they retire.

According to their findings, which were published in the book “Humour, Seriously”, we trade laughter for ties and suits. However, they claim that humour is “under-leveraged” in the working world and, when used correctly, can become a corporate “superpower”.

Their findings show that managers who have a sense of humour are considered as being 23% more respected, 25% more pleasant to work with and 17% nicer.

What about you? Want to put humour on your agenda on a daily basis in 2021?
I wish you all a year full of smiles!

In Lakesh

The Mayas said “In Lakesh” to greet each other, which means “You are me”.

If a therapist asked you what bothers you about your spouse, you could only talk about what bothers you about yourself, because you wouldn’t be able to see the rest.

Thich Nhat Hahn said: “If I hit my left hand with my right one when I’m hammering in a nail, I won’t hit my right hand to avenge my left one! I will care for my left hand with my right one as both my hands belong to my body.”

He suggests that we behave as if we all belong to the same body, as if each of us was a drop in the ocean.

Because we are!

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year with this message of love and look forward to seeing you in 2021!

100 dollars!

A personal development teacher shows his students a hundred-dollar bill. He explains that one of them will leave the class with the bill if he or she asks the right question.

Hands shoot up and questions are fired: “How can I get it?” “What is the right question?” … the teacher continues shaking his head.

A student at the back of the classroom smiles, raises his hand and asks confidently: “What exactly are you doing with my hundred-dollar bill?” The teacher walks to the back of the room and gives him the bill. Why? Because the student had adopted the attitude that the bill already belonged to him!

Visualising your dream job, smelling the ink on the contract, hearing the praise for your work are all ways of asserting ownership of your future.

What about you? What would you like to lay claim to at the moment?


This summer I travelled around Italy alone. A road trip organised by me, for me. No one to share my impressions with and no one to blame.

That’s what made it a journey of initiation. I planned my days according to what I fancied, to recommendations and to opportunities that came up.

I wanted to find out what pleases me. Not what I do to please others, nor did I want to come back with great photos or the right kind of memories. No, I was doing it to travel inside myself to see what resonates. Or what doesn’t resonate.

signpost in the mountain

It was a real journey of initiation. I looked at what lay deep down inside me, what was there at the beginning (initium) of me. Without the masks we wear in public.

What about you? What was at the beginning for you?

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Who am I ?

I am a contemporary philosopher.
I capture life’s little events in bubbles of happiness to inspire you in an amusing and optimistic way.

Yours bubbly,




la vente la négociation l’influence
