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You’re on a football pitch but there is no goalkeeper and you score a goal every time you kick the ball. Once, twice, then the third time it starts to get boring.

A life just consisting of ‘work, home, sleep’ is rather like this GOAL without a goalkeeper. With no challenge that forces you to plot and plan, make an effort and surpass yourself.

We soon get tired of things that come to us too easily. Playing safe to be sure of winning is a lot less stimulating than playing for high stakes.

What about you? What new challenge do you think you could take on?

So talented!

I admire the talent of musicians, engineers, scientists, chefs, therapists, writers, philosophers and many others and have a tendency to feel very ordinary, even somewhat inadequate.

I would have liked to be THE specialist in something or other, THE person everyone consults about something.

Thanks to Henry Van Dyke I have put things back in perspective. “Use your own talents. It would be a very quiet forest where the only birds singing were the ones who sang best.”

So I am one of the voices filling the forest. And to continue with this metaphor, I have found my own tree and branch to sing from. So not everybody likes it? Well, it’s like your choice in music. We don’t all (fortunately) listen to the same kind or the same artist.

I also remember the Fourth Agreement: “Always do your best.” In other words, sing as well as your vocal cords and talent allow!

What about you? Is there an area where you could give a bit more to develop your talent?

I know

I know how to bring up children (especially other people’s).
I know better than any politician what needs to be done in a crisis.
And I know exactly what to do when you’re on lockdown.

That is indeed knowledge. It’s clear in my head. But it hasn’t come from experience. In fact, I know very little about bringing up children as my sole experience of this relates to two individuals only (with whom I did quite a good job, in my humble opinion).

In politics, I have in fact no experience at all, as I’ve never actually been involved in that.
And as for lockdown:
I had a fertile imagination about what it would be like but until recently no actual experience whatsoever!

This is what Morpheus said to Neo in the film Matrix:
“There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

What about you? Which paths are you walking during this lockdown?

What I’m thinking

Through your sense of smell, sight, taste, touch, hearing, and your sixth sense, your brain processes over 400 million pieces of information every second, and only 2,000 consciously.

Which means that 99.9999% of the information does not even reach you. (from La Réponse by Allan Pease, published by Pocket)

But what sorts out this information? Our brain’s RAS: Reticular Activating System! This RAS has been learning from what you hear and repeat since your early childhood. “It is important to earn a good living!” So the RAS filters all the information on how to earn a good living.

And this is why the law of attraction works. I concentrate on a free space and my brain will only scan the vacant places and ignore all the places that are taken.

Every Friday, one of my clients had to tell me three things she was capable of doing that until then had seemed beyond her. Her RAS soon got the message. She is delighted with her own abilities.

What about you? What have you taught your RAS?

Making people (including yourself!) happy

“Make me happy, finish your dinner!”
“Granny would be delighted if you called her!”

Later, at work: the important thing is customer satisfaction! And what about you? What do you get out of it? When do you get the opportunity to make yourself happy?

I started publishing my Bubbles of Happiness in April 2010, and I’ve been sending you one every Sunday for ten years now. I do it because I enjoy it, and it also helps me to absorb life’s lessons.

I’ve done it for myself, yet lots of people write to thank me because they have benefitted from my little thoughts.

What if making other people happy was the best way to be happy yourself?

PS. I have been bubbling for you, and with you, for the past 10 years and now I’m passing the virtual pen to you. Just click here to answer 3 simple questions.

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Who am I ?

I am a contemporary philosopher.
I capture life’s little events in bubbles of happiness to inspire you in an amusing and optimistic way.

Yours bubbly,




la vente la négociation l’influence
