Tag: dare

Dream BIG

There are countless methods of personal development that invite us to dream big, to imagine total success, to feel it and sniff it to find out what it is actually like, what it is made of.

Our ‘benevolent’ education, on the other hand, tries to make us act reasonably.

What if we revolted against what is “reasonable” and started dreaming? Not just day-dreaming along the lines of “what if I was rich” or “what if I was different”. No, dreaming a big, beautiful dream that we create with images, words and shapes, etc.

Our brains will have time to tame our ideas so we can get used to them. And as they – our brains – are very clever, they will find all sorts of ways to do this.

Why, then, should we set ourselves a reasonable objective, when we can dream BIG? If we put all our will into it, all our enthusiasm and all our energy to bring it about, we can get there.

Would you like to think big this year?

He who dares, wins


A friend who was travelling through Paris on his way home to Germany mentioned that his neighbor would be making dinner for him when he got back that evening. I congratulated him on having such a nice neighbor, and he chuckled before explaining that he had simply called her earlier in the day to say that his fridge was empty, his apartment cold, and to ask whether she would be willing to share her dinner with him!

She was only too happy to help out.

How many times have you found out after the fact that someone could have used your help, but didn’t ask? How often have you said something like: «I would have picked you up!» or «why didn’t you tell me?» or «why didn’t you call – I would have done it with pleasure!»

In such circumstances we often feel cheated, that it’s a pity that our friends don’t reach out to ask for our help. On the other hand very often we don’t ask for help ourselves, as we prefer not to ‘bother’ someone.

How about if you dared to ask? Rather than killing two birds with one stone, you might just make TWO people happy with one request.

Difficult, you say?

I was already a certain age when I started coaching, climbing, learning Italian and facilitating seminars. It was Seneca that made me see these learning experiences in a different light.

“It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult!”

For every new thing that I learn, I ask myself why I didn’t start earlier.  “Not that bad really” is often my first reaction when I finally dare to do something that previously seemed difficult or even impossible.

So as the school year comes to an end and to get the summer holidays off to a good start, I wanted to ask you what could you dare to do this summer to prove to yourself that it’s not really that difficult?