Tag: selfish

Altruistic or not?

I am a quick, well-organised person by nature and often finish tasks before other people. That’s nearly always the case when I go horse riding. I groom and prepare my horse energetically without wasting any time. When I turn round, I realise that my friends are lagging behind. So I help them put on a bridle, tighten a girth, clean hooves or untangle a mane.

People thank me profusely for my kindness, when in fact I haven’t done it out of altruism but because I’m impatient to start riding!

I don’t think I’m altruistic at all, but if my friends see it that way, does that mean I am, or does the sense of well-being that I get out of it disqualify me from being thought of as such?

It’s an interesting, but somewhat pointless, debate. Haven’t we all been thanked for actions that originated from a selfish intent?

Aren’t the results what count more than anything?

When was the last time that you were selfishly altruistic?