Tag: risk

Taking risks

Doctors and psychologists all agree that babies take insane risks all day long. The simple act of standing up and walking is nothing short of miraculous, given that it takes around 2,000 attempts and just as many tumbles before our little legs eventually support us.

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Attached to a climbing wall, I take in the reality of my situation: if I want to reach the next hold, I’ll have to throw myself at it. In other words, I’ll have to completely let go of the hold where I am now and launch myself towards the next one without knowing if I’ll actually be able to grab it.  Quick mental calculation: from where I’m currently clipped in, I’m likely to fall 6 feet if I miss, and my husband is an experienced belayer. I go for it, and it works. I’m ecstatic.

The calculated risk of flying through the air helps me improve my technique. But as I get older, I’m aware that I’m becoming less adventurous when it comes to risk taking. This means that I don’t progress as fast as before.

The risk of making a fool of yourself, failing, hurting yourself, of being judged  are some of the many reasons not to attempt things and to simply allow yourself to stagnate.

What risk would you like to take this summer to continue to progress?
I wish you a great summer vacation and look forward to surprising you with new bubbles in September!

I climb the way I live

Clinging onto the climbing wall, I hesitate to launch myself at the next hold. I don’t want to take flight (or fall, as a novice would say). I am on a route I can handle, and I have a harness and a rope and I’m insured. So I could do more or less anything but being so careful suits me.  I do sports that involve risk but I take care where I put my feet.

And that’s what I do in every area of my life. I am self-employed yet I prepare, train, check, ask for recommendations, weigh up the pros and cons and minimise the risks when I take decisions. All that helps ensure I get no nasty surprises and lets me progress through life with confidence.

What about you? What does the way you do sport say about the way you live your life?