Tag: participate

Press here!


Someone explained to me that most buttons in a city are dummies. For example, red traffic lights. They work on automatic settings but if you give a pedestrian a button to press, she has the impression of actively participating in her wish to cross the road.

Ellen J. Langer, Professor of Psychology at Harvard University studied “The illusion of control”. She came to the conclusion that buttons reduce stress and promote well-being. They are placebo buttons.

We use surveys to ask employees for their opinion, we vote in elections, our spouse comes to us for advice. And even if what happens as a result is not what we wanted, we have the impression that we have been listened to.

Most of what we want is to be listened to. If we have this space or a forum in which to express ourselves, we have the impression of being in control.

What things do you need to express to satisfy your need to be in control?

The legend of the hummingbird

One day, so the legend goes, there was a huge fire in the forest. All the terrified animals watched the disaster unfold, powerless. Only the little hummingbird bustled about, going to fetch a few drops of water in his beak and throw them on the fire. 

After a while, the armadillo, who was irritated by this ridiculous performance, said to him,

“Are you mad, Hummingbird? Do you really think you will put the fire out with those drops of water?”

The hummingbird replied, “I know, but I have to do my bit.”

The legend tells how every animal then felt they too should ‘do their bit’, each in their own way, and the forest was saved.

What about you? Do you do your bit?