Tag: knowledge

I know

I know how to bring up children (especially other people’s).
I know better than any politician what needs to be done in a crisis.
And I know exactly what to do when you’re on lockdown.

That is indeed knowledge. It’s clear in my head. But it hasn’t come from experience. In fact, I know very little about bringing up children as my sole experience of this relates to two individuals only (with whom I did quite a good job, in my humble opinion).

In politics, I have in fact no experience at all, as I’ve never actually been involved in that.
And as for lockdown:
I had a fertile imagination about what it would be like but until recently no actual experience whatsoever!

This is what Morpheus said to Neo in the film Matrix:
“There’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.”

What about you? Which paths are you walking during this lockdown?

My florist

I asked my florist to recommend some greenery to add to a bouquet of peonies.


She said to me: here’s some alchemy! I was a bit surprised: Is there a plant called alchemy?
No, alchemilla, she explained patiently. It’s a medicinal plant, known as “lady’s mantle” and it has been used since the dawn of time for menstrual pain relief!

Great! I’ve been invited to dinner at some doctor friends; I’m going to pass that interesting piece of information on!

I thank the florist for the free lesson that she has so kindly dispensed and I go on my way happily and more knowledgeable than before.

Isn’t it wonderful when someone takes the time to explain to you the whys and wherefores in simple terms, just because they love to share their particular passion?

We’ve all got information, lessons, tips and advice to share. I do it through my bubbles of happiness.

What about you? What passion could you share with your friends, just for the pleasure of seeing them go off more knowledgeable than before?